The Greater Wilmington Tennis Association is launching a new Junior Singles Ladder! Relaunching of a junior ladder has been on the back burner for some time. Now, with the current pandemic environment it seemed like an appropriate time to revisit this idea and give our juniors a safe option for competition.
We have partnered with TennisRungs (Court Reserve Software) to bring our youth a fun, user-friendly ladder platform. Once they register, they can download an app and manage everything directly from their phones or their parents’ phones. We feel this feature will greatly appeal to the juniors who at any given moment can open the app and check the ladder standings.
There are two divisions to the ladder: Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced. Within these divisions are three different age groups: 12U, 14U and 18U. On the ladder, “beginner” means beginner – juniors who have not been playing all their lives and are somewhat new to the sport. 12U and 14U beginner even have an abbreviated one-set match to keep it simple and fun. If your players have been playing and competing for a while, they should sign up for Intermediate/Advanced. This is also a perfect platform for high school students who may or may not get to play this year to keep competing with friends and teammates.
This initial ladder season will be approximately 12 weeks long, running from January 1st – March 12th. Hopefully, the interest will be there to have multiple seasons throughout the year. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Candy Pegram (ladder coordinator) at